The Book of Zombie

The Book of Zombie is a 2010 American independent horror film written by Erik Van Sant and directed by Scott Kragelund, Paul Cranefield and Erik Van Sant. Brian Ibsen, Larisa Peters, Andrew Loviska, Paul Cantu, Bill Johns, Adrienne MacIain, Andy Evans, Adam Gehrke, and Elissa Dowling star as survivors of a Mormonthemed zombie attack.

Not knowing how to retrieve their little daughter Charlotte, who is staying out of the house this night, without a weapon, David and Jenny decide to stay in the store for the time being. Soon, however, an armed, gritty hunter named Boothe Gardener stages a dramatic entrance into the store and stays for the night as well, following his own close brush with the zombified Mormon population in which his friend Charlie was killed. Owing to the incident at his house door, David concludes that the zombies are vulnerable to things which are taboo to Mormons, including caffeine. When a zombie breaks into the store, Gardener is mortally wounded after he tries to fight it off using noncaffeinated soda. Darwin destroys the zombie with caffeinated soda.Forced to evacuate the store, David and company make for the Drunken Dragon but draw dozens of zombies. In the nick of time, they are led inside by armorclad bartender Piper McKenzie, who tells them that Linderman was zombified during a zombie riot in the bar and is now kept locked up in a side room because she cannot bring herself to finish him. After discovering that Darwin keeps several explosive prank devices in his backpack, David devises a plan to reach Pipers car and get to his daughter by letting Linderman out, strapping the explosives and their scant soda supplies onto his back and using him as an involuntary suicide bomber to take out the zombies encroaching on the bar. The plan quickly goes awry when Linderman bites Darwin just after he is released, dooming him, before the youngster blasts his head with his own shotgun. Faced with no other choice, Darwin assumes the role of the bomber as a last heroic act, but he turns before he can light the fuse. Piper lights the explosives with a crossbow and fire arrow, but the blast proves too weak to take out all the zombies before the door can be rebarricaded, the undead break into the bar and devour Piper alive, while Charlie faints. ........

Source: Wikipedia